Registered Name: Morning Valley Asher
of Golden Paradise
Call Name: Asher
Birthdate: April 17, 2022
Weight: 75 pounds
Registration: American Kennel Club SS33731604
Hip Clearance: OFA - GR 145667E24M-C-VPI "Excellent"
Elbow Clearance: OFA- GR-EL65429M24-C-VPI "Normal"
Heart Clearance: OFA - GR-BCA7528/13M/C-VPI
Eye Clearance: OFA-EYE31256/13M-VPI
prcd-PRA status​: clear by parentage
PRA1 status: clear by parentage
PRA2 status: clear by parentage
Ichthyosis status: clear by parentage
DM status: clear by parentage
Pedigree Information:
Asher’s Story:
Asher is a beautiful white Golden. His parents are from Ukraine and Netherlands. He has a great boxey head, nice black features, and a large boned, sturdy body. His coat is flowing and smooth. He has the best goof ball personality…always playful and ready for a romp, but also sweet and loves to bask in the sun. He came to us from a great breeder in North Carolina and immediately fit right in with our crew. He’s such a well adjusted gentleman and our whole family loves spending time in his company.